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Anole wont lay egg and is going to die

22 11:50:43

I need help! My green male anole and brown female anole have been breeding.

She has laid 2 eggs before but this egg has looked like it was ready to pop out for almost a week now. It looks like there is blood or something coming out of her, & she is really weak. I just came home and was sure she was dead. She never lets us touch her but we were able to pick her up & she's barely breathing.

I read somewhere that if they are too stressed out they won't lay the egg, but she has always been jumpy and wiggs out over me just looking at her. She's crazy.

Is there anyway I can get her to lay this egg, or save her at all?
Please help if you can. I need to know ASAP.
Thank you so much.

Hi, Brittany,
This is a veterinary emergency, and there is nothing you can do at home to treat it.  Whether this is an egg binding or a prolapse would be for a vet to diagnose.  She is currently suffering, and needs immediate medical attention.  Due to your description of her condition, I would not say she has a very high chance of recovery, but that will be for a vet to evaluate.  She should not be left to suffer without treatment any longer.