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Leopard Gecko care/night time heating

22 11:50:43

I've recently gotten two leopard geckos a male and female each in their own ten gallon tanks. I'm using paper as the substrate and I have a moist hide with paper towels that I spray with water twice a day (the paper towel I mean not the hide, once in the morning once at night) and a hide on the cool side. I have a calcium dish and water dish treated with a reptile water conditioner and added reptile electrolytes. I gut load all the insects before I feed them to my geckos and currently I'm using heating lamps for them, with an infared bulb so it doesnt bother them. The hot side is 90 degree the cool side is 75.
My concern is the night time heating, I've read that the night time temp can drop but i am wondering what is best for my geckos? Should I turn off the lamps and let it reach room tempature at night? Also, would moss be better to use in their moist hide, I find the paper towel dries out without being sprayed often enough. As well, any information on how to ensure my geckos are properly cared for would be appreciated. I really want to make sure they are healthy and happy and live out a very long happy life.


Hello Shannon,

Your tank setup sounds great!  The paper towels do tend to dry up pretty quickly.  So you can use the moss, it does hold moisture a little better, or even a sponge also.  
The nighttime temperatures can drop to the 70's, but normally in the past when I have kept leopard geckos, I used an undertank heater that I kept on 24/7.  
Are you using an undertank heater?  That may be easier than leaving a heating/basking bulb on overnight for you.

Are you using a digital probe or temp gun to measure the temperatures?  
You have done a great job getting them set up!  I believe they should be fine with these setups.  As long as you keep the moisture/humidity up in the moist hide/cave to help with shedding, they shouldn't have any trouble with shedding.

Do you have any pictures of them?
