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Cage setup

22 13:54:46

Hey this is callie again well would you explain to me what stools are on a gecko. and what would you recommend for a JUMBO leopard gecko a 10 or 20 gallon tank cause I need to put a moist hiding place in her cage but then she will barely have room to walk so should i get a 20 gallon instead. also rainy my gecko is turning a grayish color on her head. is she shedding? Please write back Thanks for your time. oh and no i dont have an undertank heater but if i need one I will get it. Idont want anything happening to my gecko you understand right? well bye. = )

Hello Callie,

A jumbo leopard gecko needs a 20 gallon really, for comfort.  That way you can have a nice warm end with an undertank heater & the moist hide/cave area with a cooler end of around 78-82.  Then you can put a half log somewhere in the center or so for her to sit under during the day.  
Yes, an undertank heater is really a necessity for a gecko as they need belly heat to aid in digestion for them.  You can put that on the warm end so using an undertank heater in combination with a basking light needs to help give a basking temperature of around 88-90 ideally.  
If she is getting a greyish or dull looking color, then it sounds like she is going to be shedding soon.  
A stool is just another way of saying that they have gone to the bathroom.  :-))   So, there should be a urate which is the white portion to it, as well as the waste portion of it which is normally a darker color brown to black.
