Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > why wont my baby leopard gecko eat??

why wont my baby leopard gecko eat??

22 13:31:08

i have just recently got a leopard gecko. the shop owner
told me he had been fed that day so i did not need to feed
him. today i have tried to feed him twice but he wont eat
the meal worms and the worms just dig under the sand. is
this because he is new and adapting to his new environment
or is it something else

Hello Joe,
How long have you had him for?  They normally take a week or two to get used to their new home & sometimes have relocation stress.  
What is your setup like, do you have an undertank heater for him?  Do you have a low wattage basking light too?
Try putting the worms in a little dish instead of straight onto the sand.  
Give him a little bit of time to adjust though, it shouldn't take too long.
