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22 11:43:55

Hi, um i have a painted turtle who is not even a year old and is 4 and a half inches, and me and my mom think he is getting lonely. So we want to get a 3 month old baby red ear slider from turtle shack. We are concerned that if we do get the baby turtle and put them in the same 20ish gallon tank that they will get into fights or bite or hurt each other or will they be friends?

Hi Jessica,

You and your Mom don't have to worry about your turtle feeling lonely. Turtles are not social animals and don't require the company of other turtles at all. Sometimes you will see turtles sharing the same log in a pond but they are not doing that to be with each other. It just means that the log is the best and safest place to bask.

Some people are able to keep turtles together without problems but there is always the possibility of aggression, fighting and biting. If that happens you have to be prepared to house the turtles separately or find another home for one of them. You would definitely have to get a larger tank if you tried to keep a second turtle. Female red ear sliders can grow to 9 or 10 inches in length.