Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > calote


22 13:32:03

thankyou for your quick and very imformative reply. i thought i was taking good care of them. I researched them and spoke to many people in the local pet stores in my area. My calote has been fine for about two months, but for the past 2 days now he keeps his mouth open and he hasnt eaten in 2 days. He just lays in the same spot the only time he moved was when he had to go the bathroom.He wont even pick his head up. The water dragons dont bother him and the water dragons are fine,they eat regularly. I have a feeling its the wax worms. i just recently started to feed them the worms. After my calote ate the worms then he started to act like tis. Do you think it could be the food? Hes been fine all along, I feel like he got sick over night?

Hi Danielle,
With your Calote, as to him being ill.... I would put him into his own cage as what he may be going through is stress of the water dragons.  You may have more than one male between the three and even though they don't bother him, they have their own language that we may not see happening. He just may be extremely stressed.  Not moving and not eating can be signs that the other lizards, either one or both have "told" him he does not belong there and is frightened to move or eat.  It is part of lizard language...simple movements..a slight head bob, turn of the head, puffing out of the cheeks, tiny little things that you may never even notice that is one telling the other that they do not belong there.
It can also be from the lack of a good source of uvb. I would take him outdoors and see if the real sun perks him up. If you are able to hold him outside for about an hour, or have a cage that is not solid glass, plastic, etc and can offer him shade and sun outdoors, you may find that he just stretches out and soaks up the uvb from the sun because he needs uvb.
He may also have an upset stomach from eating the wax worms as they are very high in fat content.
Offering wax worms should be done on occasion in small amounts.  The smaller the lizard, the fewer waxies they should get.
Another problem may be that since they are all in one small tank, the temperatures can be too high for him, and actually all of them.  They need to have a basking area that is in the mid to upper 80's, but they also need to have a mid range temperature area and a cool area.
I would give the calote his own cage with proper set up and see if that helps.  If you don't see him perk up, then I would get him to a vet to see if he is ill in some way.
Some possibilities are internal blockage, internal parasites and of course other health issues that only a vet can diagnose.
It is vital to get uvb on all three of them and also larger cages. Even though not ideal, getting a larger tank for the water dragons, such as a 75 gallon tank, will buy you a little time(less than a year) before they will need to have a proper sized enclosiure.
With the calote, they are basically tree dragons and do need to have some height to their enclosure.
A word on pet stores... many have no idea the proper care any reptiles they sell need. They base their info on what they can sell you. Most pet stores have no real clue what provides proper uvb, what is a safe substrate to use, etc... Also, there is quite a bit of really bad info on the internet.  Many times someone gets a lizard and they feel that since they took care of their lizard a certain way and its still alive in a year, they can do a web page on the care specific lizards need. Don't take the word of one or two a few and see what matches and what doesn't.
With your lizards, they all need uvb...they all need basking lights, a basking area, a mid range temperature area, and a cool area... they all need lights out at night.. they all should be offered some dark, leafy greens such as collard greens..they may or may not eat them but its good ot offer them.
Hope this has helped you out.