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a rescued snake

22 15:00:39

me and my husband just rescued a 2 year old ball python from someone who didnt know anything about snakes. the snake is under weight and has burns on his belly. the burn are being treated and getting better. my concern is the snakes weight. i have been trying to feed him for 2 days since i got him home and happy and he refuses to eat.i need to know is there any way to get him to eat are do i need to go head and make hima appointment at my exotic vet?

Hey Jamie,

oh boy this is a tough one, ball pythons are very difficult eaters and if yours is a wild caught from africa could be even harder to get to eat. just becuase of the burns i would take her to the vet and get a check up also make sure that the mouth has no signs of mouth rot, and have your vet check for parisites.if all that checks out ok and she still wont eat after a period of settling down  (a week or so) then you want to get an experienced person or vet to help force feed. this is a last resort only!! so get her to the vet and checked out please let me know the out come from the vet and we can go from there.

           thanks and please keep me posted