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caledonian crested gecko

22 13:54:48


this is my gecko the f
My gecko has been shedding allot lately and he has eaten his own dead skin that he sheds. I am kind of worried about him because he is my favorite animal. I don't know what I'm doing wrong i give him his Caledonian crested gecko food and i give him fresh food and water every day. Do you know if hes supposed to eat his own dead skin after he sheds?

Hello Megan:

It sounds as though you have a healthy happy Gecko, and are taking care of it well.  Geckos do eat their sheds and there is nothing wrong with that.  I would buy a book on geckos or go to the public library and get some literature there.  Don't worry, just do the best you can and keep it warm, fed and always with clean fresh water and you two should be friends for a long time to come.  Write back if you have any other questions OK.

                              Best of luck