Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > leopard geckos eyes?

leopard geckos eyes?

22 13:54:47

my gecko is having problems seeing. the eyes are covered by their peeling skin. i am very worried and he also does not eat anymore. all she does is lay on the little log we have in our cage.


I am not a gecko specialist and I don't believe that anyone here could answer your question with out seeing the animal. There are so many questions for me to ask, it would take 1/2 the night.  I know you are scared for your friend and I understand that but you need to talk to a Vet.  It doesn't sound fatal but it needs professional help.   Keep it warm, access to clean fresh water and up the humidity is about all I can tell you.  Please call a Vet in the morning and ask them.

                                        All the luck in the world