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Gecko lost 3 months!

22 14:22:32

Hi we live in New Mexico,lost our leopard gecko July 28th, found our Gecko Oct. 29th, he was on his own 3 months! Was moving enteratinment center and he came out! He is so skinny, body and tail he survived with no food or water That Long, reset up cage, put on heat lamp put mill worms, water, been drinking alot of water, don't know if too late, but trying to rehabilite. Can't believe he is still alive our temperatures drop at night! Wow, anything special I need to be doing to help?

Hello Alicia,

This is fantastic news, so glad to hear he survived after such a long time.

Get his temperatures UP, thats the main thing you want right now is warmth. Accurate temperatures and probably slightly over the normal.

He might have a respiratory infection (kind of like a cold) due to the chilly temperatures. In some cases this can be treated with just increasing the tank temperature 2 degrees or so.

Is he eating? Keep feeding him and try to offer some Waxworms, they are high in natural fats and are used to help reptiles gain weight. HOWEVER they should be fed along side another food item because waxworms are also very "tasty" and some reptiles have been known to become addicted and refuse to eat anything else. Which would not be healthy for him.

Be sure to check for signs of illness, breathing problems, eye, nose, joints, etc.

I hope he gets better, happy you found him!

Good luck