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bahamian anole

22 13:59:04

one of my anoles is losing weight. I think it is due to an incomplete shed. ever since this happened about 2 weeks ago she has been breathing through her mouth. her snout area still has skin that looks like it's going to shed but she can never rub it off. I am concerned because she breathes through her mouth and sometimes her breathing can be labored. what could be the problem?

Hello Bryant,

What are the temperatures like in the tank, & what is the humidity as well?
Are you giving adequate calcium supplementation as well as providing UVB lighting on a daily basis?
What type & brand of UVB light are you using, is it a flourescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
Can you post a picture of her?  Is she housed alone?
You could try to soak her to help get the retained shed off of her as that is most likely stressing her out quite a bit.  Then, we need to get some food into her.  Try getting some chicken or turkey babyfood to feed to her through a plastic dropper or a plastic syringe.
