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True fire skink

22 14:25:06

I took my son's skink to the pet store yesterday because it hasn't been eating very much at all and looks a little discolored on the back (more golden than reddish).  The advice that I got was that it was hibernating.  I have yet to come across anything that indicates that it would hibernate.  The local vets don't deal with an exotic reptiles like my true fire skink.  Any suggestions on what's going on?  - Background tank temp: 95-100 humidity 60-80, large tank, quiet location, red basking lamp at night.

Doris, I am by no means an expert on skinks, but many animals while not hibernating will do whats called bernation (sic).  He may be going through a period where he will eat less and be less active, or there might be a problem.  One of the best ways to tell is to do a fecal floast test.  ANY vet whether they see exotics or not can do the test.  The next time he poops turn a ziplock bag inside-out over your hand, scoop up the poo, right-side out the bag, close it and run it to the vet.  The test takes less than 15 minutes and if they charge you more than $20-25 they are ripping you off.  That will tell you if he has any intestinal parasites, and most vets would be willing to treat those parasites.  If not, email me back!  B