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yellow bellied sliders

22 13:31:05

hi my yellow bellied slider is not eating. he is pretty young and i feed him repto min baby formual he wount eat the aqatic turtle food y? its by zoo meds he also is kina swimming lobsided and he has a white spot on his nose he also has a dot on his bellie that looks like a frecile wat is this? how do i help him out? is he healthy? how do i make him eat? what can i buy ? please respond ASAP

OK, the very first things I would ask is what are the heating parameters you have?  Basking spot and water temperature should be appropriately set.  Also do you have a UVB bulb in place for basking?  All of these should be in place and if they are not would definitely lead to the behavior you describe.  I would also suggest reading my article on the my website regarding red eared sliders as the parameters of care are the same.  After answering the above in a reply I will be able to help you further.