Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > BEARDED DRAGON TRUST


22 13:31:05

my little brothers bearded dragon use to be so calm and nice but now he just hates everyone and bites and i think its cause of my brother. he runs around with the anima on his pants just CLINGING to him! and its become really scare, but now i take it as if it was my own and its so scared of me. i have tried everything! Any suggestions?? please help! (how to gain his trust!)

First, you need to make sure your brother never again comes near your pet. Talk to your parents about what he is doing. He is scaring him, and could easily hurt or kill him in the process.

Second, give him more hides, and just try as much as you can to calmly take him out, often, and give him GOOD experiences being handled.