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Fired Bellied Toads - Confused when it comes to the water.

22 14:27:52


my fire bellies are coming tomorrow.
but im abit confused... what to use or.. what not to use when it comes to the water.
ive set all my tank up, its half water half pebbles and stones, but the water im confused on....

i dont think i want to use tap water, because of the chlorine etc......

so im thinking maybe i should use spring water??? bottle water??? what would you suggest?? spring water, mineral water, ???? what make??? highlands??? evian?? lol!

i also have a few bottles of "tetra aqua safe" ... its to make the water extra safe for "fish".. so im not entirely sure if i should use it seeing as they are not fish... but still i dont think it would do any harm what do you think???
i also have a bottle of tetra aqua balancer.... basically keeps the water fresher and stop waters changes????

what do you think???


Dear Andrew,
thank you for your question.
You can use a dechlorinator on the water, the kind used for fish or for hermit crabs. It's also better to let the water stand for a day or so before putting it int the tank. If you want to use bottled water, I'd use mineral water (not carbonated of course) or bottled water, the brand disn't really important.
I'm not familiar with the two products by Tetra, but I think I wouldn't use them.
I hope I was of some help to you