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Leopard Gecko mating

22 11:47:56

I have a situation. I have two 17 month old Bandits. The female is ovulating, and when they are together she sits patiently with her tail lifted while he attempts to mate. He is not hurting her but it seems like he is just not getting it right. They have been attempting now for a few hours. Should I just leave them alone over night, or separate them? They seem anxious to breed, but he just can't seem to get in the correct position, if you know what I mean. I don't want to stress the female with an inexperienced male.

Hello Sally,

You can leave them in the same tank together for a few days as long as they are not stressed or hurting each other, that will be fine.
They are of the correct age, for the most part.  If it appears he isn't able to quite get the hang of it, maybe wait a few more months.  Sometimes the younger ones are not quite physically mature enough.  :-)

I am sure they are both very pretty, do you have any pictures of them?
