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Louie the Veiled Chameleon

22 14:18:22

Hi Yexalen. You have been a great help in the past and i was hoping you could help with another query i have? My Female veiled Chameleon "Louie" is approx 1yr old. Although i have not changed any of her habits and she has been fit as an ox, she has now developed a ridge of dry skin along her back (spines). She is sprayed regularly and drinks/eats really well... Any idea's if this will be a major problem or just a slight shedding problem?? She has had this for approx 3 weeks.. Much appreciated

Hello Stacey, glad I could help.

It sounds like just a tough shed, get some mineral oil (sold at most department stores and pharmacies) and use a q-tip and dab a small amount of the mineral oil on the area with the q-tip. You don't need a lot, just enough to help loosen any dry skin so it will come off easier. Do not pull or rip at it, just do the mineral oil once a day.

(it is ok if she licks at it, it wont harm her any)

Do you have a picture of the area?

It is hard to judge the problem without actually seeing it.

Good luck
Heather (Yexalen)