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Leopard Gecko Living In my Tank

22 15:10:28

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Hi, I am basically going to describe to you what I plan on doing to my tank to harber a Leopard Gecko, what its other conditions are, and its other inhabitants; So that you can see if a Leopard Gecko could live in my tank the way i plan on making it and co-exist with the other animals harmoniously. My tank is 30 gallons; It is 2 1/2 by 1 ft, and about 8 inches of it is 4 inch deep water. The rest is shallow water so that its other inhabitants can sit in it. What I plan on doing is placing stone gravel into my tank so that atleast 1/2 of it is dry land. I am then going to place some Gecko Friendly Terrain over top the gravel such as Orchid Bark Mixture, thus making my tank a good solid 1/2 dry land. The edge where the Bark Mixture ends would gradualy slope down into the bottom so a good 1/4 of the tank would still be 4 inch deep water. The opposite end of the tank for about 3-4 inches would also be shallow water. Is it possible that the Gecko may possibly go and drown? Also I am not sure if the Gecko would go after my other animals which are a Fire Bellied Toad and a Fire Bellied Newt. I dont think he'd go after the toad which is about 2 1/2 inches long and a good inch wide. However my Newt is 4 inches long but only maybe slightly more then one centimeter wide. Just to make sure I also have a bery large plant in my tank that grows flowers which have a nice amount of pollen in them; i dought this will hurt him but i just wanna make sure. Lastly is the temperature of my tank; it is heated by a 30 watt bulb and brings my tank's temp to about 76-80'F at night however it gos to about 70 which i read is ok. Im not sure if the Gecko has enough light to basc in. would i need to get a heating pad to help the gecko regulate its body temp? Also is 76-80 temp safe for the gecko? Would my tank if edited in these ways be able to harber a Leopard Gecko and would he live in peace with the other animals? I hope you can Help

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No they can not co-exist.

1.  You have your half your tank in water so the Leopard Gecko could drown.

2.  You have a heat lamp.  Heating pads are much better for Leopard Gecko's because it has a constent flow of heat so (s)he can get to it when every they please.

3.  Leopard Geckos will fight for land and can't share.

Sorry to bust your bubble but you can't have them all in the same tank.
Hope this helps,
Tyler F.

- Follow Up Question -
     Thanks for your answer even though it really ruined my dream. However I must ask you whether it would work I put some sort of seperater between the dry land and the wet land. I think that would eliminate all the problems you told me except for the heating problem which I can easily fix by purchasing a heating pad. However Iv'e heard tht the heating pad can burn the Gecko badly ,or is that a differant product. If so can you tell me where I can get the product you were talking about. Finaly I have been meaning to find out whether it is healthy for me or the Gecko for he/she to be handled. Anyway thanks for your previous answer and I hope you can help me as much as you did last time this time.
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Well I don't think that would solve the problem because you would still have those other animals in the same cage.  A heating pad will not burn your Gecko what will is a Heating Rock witch can short out and over heat and roast your gecko.  You can get your heating pad any where you could buy a gecko.  Its ok to handle and hold you gecko but you must wash your hands after words and it would be good if you did it before also.  I would reccomend buying a ten gallon tank.  A ten gallon tank would be ideal for one Leopard Gecko and it is very cheap.
Hope this helps,
Tyler F.

- Last Follow Up... I Think -
     Im sorry I was not specific enough im pretty sure you miss understood I don't only plan to seperate the wet land from ther dry I plan on putting all other animals besides the Gecko onto the wet land so they would not even come in contact with each other. If them being able to see eachother is a problem I could just cover the seperater up with something like a backround picture so they couldnt even see each other and they would all be completely apart. If you in fact miss understood and I have now explained my plan much better would that stop him from being territorial or will even the sent of the other animals put him on the edge? If this does stop him from being territorial and make everything work should I put the seperater all the way to the top of my foot 1/2 tank or would a good 10 inches stop him from going on the other side. By the way I do have a ten gallon tank and be more then happy to set it up for a Gecko , but I don't have any place I can put it , or in other words am allowed to put it. So I was going to wait for my other animals life spand to run out , but then I thought I could set the tank up so he could live in it anyway. But you gotta admit a all in one tank is kinda cool to look at :) however thats besides the point. Anyway I hope I cleared up any miss understanding that may have been there so I hope this plan will work other words I'm screwed till the other animals die. Well thanks for your help.

Well you don't need to worry about the gecko getting over the divider but I would reccomend that you make it so they can't see each other.  Other than that it sounds like an over all good idea but I have never heard of useing any Orchid Bark mixture.  Try to find something like a Reptile sand.  But just to be safe get a female their less territorial.  Make sure she has a hot hide and a cool hide.  Don't forget to dust her crickets.
Have Fun!,
Tyler F.