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my sick dragons

22 13:29:31

i have four bearded dragons two are doing great and the other two are in bad shape they are acting like they are drunk with a bobble head and when i spray them with water the flip out they miss the crickets when they strike and wont eat mealworms or waxworms can you help me please  

Hello David,

How old are the beardies that you have?  Are they all housed together?
Those symptoms sound like a nutritional deficiency, probably calcium or maybe a B vitamin such as thiamin.  Do you use calcium supplementation & vitamins?

Do you spray them inside of the tank, or outside of the tank?  
If you are housing them together, there could be dominance issues which the two that are doing poorly are not getting adequate food & light.

Are you using UVB lighting?  If so, what type & brand do you use?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?  
The mealworms & waxworms are too fatty to be fed as staples on a daily basis.  Small or appropriately sized crickets, phoenix worms, or butterworms are better choices for feeders.  The mealies & waxies should only be fed once in awhile because they don't have a whole lot of nutritional value.
