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lizard eggs

22 14:41:32

my dragon has lade eggs and i have went and got a incubator and put the eggs in tubs with damp moss do u have to mist the eggs and the tubs i have never done this before

 If you are using a hovabator, make sure it's not the one with a turbo fan, if it does, turn the turbo fan off.  Get a digital thermometer that also measures humidity and make sure that area of the meter is over a hole in the top of the incubator.  Keep the vermiculite or moss damp as well as keeping water below the grate of the incubator, but do not mist the eggs directly.  Never turn the eggs.  About a week before they are due to hatch, place dampened paper towel over the grate to prevent tiny toes and tails from injury on the metal grate.  Before hatching, the eggs will soften and wrinkle before little snouts break through.  Let the first hatchling stay in the incubator for two days at least, he will still be getting food from his yolk sac, and his running over the other eggs will encourage his siblings to emerge.