Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > worn out colour of my frill dragon

worn out colour of my frill dragon

22 11:51:10

i have been keeping my frill dragon about a year. lately, his skin color seems worn out at the area of mouth and his frill. it looks whiter than usual. the other parts of his body is ok. i dont know if he is sick because he eats and drinks like usual. and i keep him hydrated always.

It doesn't sound like anything to worry about. I can think of two possibilities that may be your culprit, one could be a bad shed sticking around and changing it's color to a dull white. The other is that as they mature frillies do change color somewhat and have been known to dull out from their bright juvie colors. I would not be concerned unless you start seeing lethargy or lack of appetite. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask! Also if you could send me a photo of the animal I may be able to give you a better idea of what it is.