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A green anole lizard

22 14:33:49

I'd like some help. My cat caught a green anole in the hegde and I rescued it. But I've noticed her tail tip is black and her tail has been cut down to about an inch. I'm currently keeping her in a jar with a stick, some dirt, and grass. I plan to release the lizard soon

Hello Ashton, he should have a much much larger space then that jar the minimum for keeping these lizards is 10 gallon even if its temporary you should use the largest container you have. The tail tip could be black because it was just detached and isn't healing correctly or because it has been in the dirt. It probably JUST lost his tail though when the cat got to him. Keep it clean and try to get water on it. If you have some take some anti-biotic ointment like neosporin with OUT pain releiver in it (the pain releiver in some ointments is toxic to them) and dab just a little bit on the tail to prevent infection. it should heal fine.
I am not sure what all you would liek to know so if you have more questions or would like clarification let me know.

Good luck and I hope he gets healthy and you release him soon