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bearded dragon and food

22 14:44:21

I just got a BD from a breeder Hes about 2 1/2 years old. He said his diet is mostly crikets and greens. I've been giving him greens in the morning and about 3 crickets He'll eat 2 doz. in minutes My questions is how much do I feed him? He seems like he could eat much more? I thought I read they eat more greens and veggies as they get older?

(only have had him a few days)
Thanks any advice would be great

Hello, feed him ugs every three days and veggies everyday, feed bout 20/30 bugs or less if he doesnt want that many, keep an eye on how fat he is getting..if his stomach rags the ground when he walks if his jowls and beard and filling out too much ect ect and you can feed less bugs and more greens if he picks up to much weight.