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Gray tree frog

22 14:35:56

How do you breed gray tree frogs in captivity, or is it possible to breed them

Hi Brandon, I'm not sure whether your question is about the North American gray tree frogs ( two different species in the Hyla genus) or the African species (Chiromantis xerampelina).
The N. American species lay their eggs in shallow water but the African species are foam nest builders. Frogs breed in response to the change of season, longer days and increased rain of springtime. You have to mimic that in captivity to trigger breeding. Frogs are put through a cooler, drier period in the winter and then exposed to warmer temperatures with increased "rain" over shallow water. Rain chambers are constructed with aquarium tubing attached to a pump that produces the dripping water. That will start the males calling which is followed by mating and laying eggs in shallow pools of water or building foam nests that contain the eggs. The tadpoles are treated like fish until they morph into tiny frogs. You can see it is quite a bit more complicated and labour intensive then breeding most reptiles.