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Why is my gecko turning grayish white?

22 14:44:22

Hi Yexalén, it's me again. thanks for the info my gecko is doing very well. today i've been noticing that when i bought her she was bright colored(yellow with orange) but now she seems to look all faded out and look kind of gray. any suggestions? ( she's eating well and shows no sign of sickness)

Hello Mai, this is normal and he/she is most likely shedding. It wont last long and is fun to watch. They will start to get dull and turn a white or gray (because of the old skin) then you will notice they start to rub their noses on rough surfaces in the enclosure and try to start peeling thier skin. Once it gets started they will take it off with their mouth and eat it! It can take as much as 10 minutes to 2 hours but is very fascinating if you ask me.
If in a few days the color is still dull and you are positive (s)he hasn't shed then let me know and I will look further into it.
Shedding will happen often about once a month give or take some time. And it means that your lizard is healthy and growing! The more often the shed the more he/she is growing bigger. Shedding means that they have grown new scales because the old ones dont fit anymore. I am compeletely fascinated in shedding lizards. Absolutely amazing!

But Good luck and good job noticing the little differences and keeping a good eye on her!