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sick tokay gecko?

22 13:51:53

my tokay gecko has been shedding about three times a month but does not seem any bigger and has not been eating much. do you know why?

Hi Josh,
Even though you aren't seeing length growth, your Tokay may be gaining weight.  If you don't already weigh your gecko, you may want to start as there is where you may see the growth.  Kitchen scales work well for weighing geckos.
There is also a reason why your gecko may be shedding so often other than weight growth.  They do need a humid environment in the area of 70% humidity.  Do you use something such as orchid bark on the floor? This helps to maintain the needed humidity as does misting one end of their tank.  The misting also encourages the Tokay to drink.  Generally they won't drink from a dish but will lick at water drops from plants, misting, etc. Placing ice cubes on top the screen cover(if that is the type of set up you are using) and as they melt, they will draw the geckos attention to the water droplets and drink.  
Double check your temperatures... do you provide a warm area 24/7 for your Tokay?  This area needs to have a temperature of about 90 degrees.  Mid range temperatures in the rest of the cage should be in the upper 70's to mid 80's during the day and in the mid to upper 70's at night.
Are you feeding properly sized insects?  Try offering smaller insects..
Has your gecko had a vet visit to have a fecal check done for internal parasites?  If not, I do suggest that be done as he may have an overload of internal parasites. In most cases one sign of internal parasites will be a bloated look in the stomach, even though they aren't eating or eating very little. Since most Tokay's are wild caught and or imports, they generally do have internal parasites and with stress(shipping, etc) it can cause an overload of them.
To find a vet that can treat reptiles: