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Bearded Dragon - not eating

22 13:31:02

Hi, my female bearded dragon is two and a half years old and has recently been refusing food for the last 4 or 5 days. This year she has laid quite a few clutches of infertile eggs and has some growing in her at the moment. She usually refuses food before laying, however she does not seem ready to lay at the moment as you cannot feel the eggs and she has not been digging at all. I noticed this morning that the pads on her head behind her eyes have sunken in. She has drunk quite a lot of water this morning but still will not eat. Can someone tell me what might be wrong? Thanks, Serena.

Hello Serena,

Oh boy hon, I think you will need to take her in to see the vet.  If she is that dehydrated & losing her fat pads, it is a large possibility that she is having egg binding problems.
This will cause her to go downhill extremely quickly & you can lose her fast.  The fact that she is not wanting to lay or dig means that something is wrong then, if she is on schedule to begin that phase again.  
It is better safe than sorry to take her in as soon as possible.
Until you can get her in, try to get more oral fluids into her, if you can & maybe a little bit of baby food if possible.  Is she losing weight?
