Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > parasites


22 13:59:26

QUESTION: I have a leopard gecko, and she has lost a lot of weight. I try to get a stool sample, but she isn't eating. I have to force feed her baby food, but it's not working. I know its not a temp. thing, I have a heat lamp and an under tank heater, and I turned the lamp off for a few days to see if it was to hot, but she still wouldn't eat. every time i get a stool sample, the vet says theres not enough actual "waste" in it, just urine. But she wont eat, and will only eat a little baby food. Is there a way i can just get the medicine without the sample? My parents wont buy medicine online, and there are no stores around. please help. I know they do a sample for a reason, but i want to help my gecko. I know some medicines poison if there is no parasites, but I was wondering if there was one that wouldn't kill my gecko. I'm really desperate to help my gecko and will do anything in my power to help her. I'm just afraid that it wont be enough.

ANSWER: Hello Kiran,

How long has she been ill?  What type of babyfood are you feeding her, chicken or turkey or beef?  
Do the stools smelly really bad or are they really runny?
What type of substrate are you using, reptile carpet, sand, tiles?  
Is there a feed store around perhaps?  
So you tried to get a stool or fecal sample, but they were unable to determine anything so they did not prescribe any medications for her then?
Panacur is a safe dewormer that you can buy without a prescription.  Your parents wont let you buy any medications on line?
I can direct you to a site to purchase panacur if you would like.  We can discuss other options via my home email address:

You could get some bee pollen to help with her immune system & you can find that from the health food store pretty easily in capsules.  Just sprinkle a small amount of powder in with the food.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey again, she has been ill for a while now, and im feeding her chicken babyfood with pedialyte. Yes, her stools are runny and smell foul. I have always been using paper towel. Im not sure if there are any feed stores near the Austin area. i did get a stool sample, but it was more urine than waste, and it was old, so they didnt find anything. No, my parents wont buy online AT ALL.

ANSWER: Hello Kiran,

Well, if you want to treat, & are allowed to, you can buy some predosed panacur from me that I can send through the mail.  If you want to send me a money order, I will get it sent out.  Can you do paypal or not?  It sounds like she really needs some dewormer or something to help her out.
You can try to find some bee pollen to help her immune system out.
Continue feeding the chicken babyfood, that will keep her from losing all of her weight.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for all your help, but what didnt realize is that my mom set up an appointment with a vet, and he looked at her, and she has a very early stage of mbd, and gave me some panacur in case. anyway, thanks and ill refer to you if i have anymore questions.

Hello Kiran,

Well, that is awesome!  
When they have early MBD, they have not been getting enough calcium or D3.  What type of calcium are giving?  I would start giving some calcium 4-5 times per week right now, until some improvement is seen.
Keep me posted on her.
