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chinese water dragon (absess)

22 14:34:37

my chinese water dragon has a growth under his chin, ive heard absesses are common on dragon's is this true? if not have you any advice on it?

Hello Jimmy, I don't think its a common ailment, but it does happen. Can you describe the growth a little bit more, the size a little bit more of location like is it near the mouth or further down the throat? Is it hard to the touch or squish in easily?

Even if it is common it should still be treated. I have never come across a water dragon with an abcess but that doesn't mean its not common.

You should take your water dragon to a vet to seek medical attention. Usually with abcesses they will have to drain it and supply you with antibiotics to give him. How long has he had it?

If you want become a member on RepticZone and then post pictures in the water dragon section so we can see the pictures and figure out any other ideas. There are many very experienced people there (including myself) so check it out and with pictures I might be able to help more. And a bit more description. How big is he? What size enclosure?

I still think you should take him to a vet as soon as you can to get it taken care of. It could cause serious problems for him.

Good luck!