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baby beardie wont eat

22 14:08:41

hi i bought my baby bearded dragon 2 1/2 weeks ago he/she is now 7 weeks old but for the last 3 days he/she hasnt ate anything, i keep offering crickets which he/she did eat but now wont, im getting very worried now he/she did have a little nibble on some grated carrot earlier today and im also bathing he/she everyday, what could be wrong with my baby beardie?

Hi Lynn, How is her demeanor otherwise? That will be major indication if anything is actually wrong or if she is just entering a shed. Does he/she seem alert and bright eyed? Is she active and moving about the tank and basking? Those are all good signs. If she has become lethargic with closed or half-closed eyes then that would be cause for concern and I would suggest a vet visit.
Food size is critical with baby beardeds. The cricket length must be no longer then the distance between her eyes. I was also going to suggest the soaking but try to keep handling to a minimum otherwise until he is back on tract. They are not the biggest salad eaters at that age so don't be too discouraged if he is not taking much of that. If he does not seem ill then I would suggest tempting him with other types of feeders like a couple waxworms or a couple small mealworms. Also make sure the basking temperature is in the 100- 105 F range. Reptile appetites are very temperature dependent.