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Leopoard Geckos

22 14:32:33

How Many Baby Leopoard Geckoes Can You Fit In A 10 Gallon Tank? Also,can You mate A leopoard Gecko With A Salamander?

Hello, you can only house 1 (one) Leopard Gecko in a 10 gallon tank. Any more then 1 and you will have territory and fighting problems. Add ten gallons per every gecko. Bigger the tank the better.

- I know that for an adult 10 gallons is fine but even for babies they need more room.
My Leopard Geckos I got when they were babies and they were housed ina  ten gallon until they got bigger and the one gecko (both females) made the other one drop their tail and she ate it. Also gave her a nasty scar on the head. Its not advised to house any more then just the one single gecko in a ten gallon tank

No you can not mate a Leopard Gecko with a Salamander or any other species besides their own. Breeding is only for experienced keepers.

Good luck,