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Crested eggs still incubating....

22 11:52:13

Hi there!  I have two crested gecko eggs that were laid ages ago-January 11 to be precise. According to all the books and sites I have checked, they are definitely overdue. They are robust, taut and much larger than the freshly laid ones, so I have to believe they are fertile.  The moisture level is good; they are in Repashy Superhatch and are kept at room temperature in a kitchen cupboard.  I check them daily, along with the several other subsequest clutches to ensure oxygenation, but am concerned that nothing seems to be happening.  Any thoughts?  I have thought about "candling" them but don't want to disturb or wreck anything just in case.  Please help!  KT

Hello Karen,

They are definitely overdue.  
It would probably help if you incubate them at 83-85 or so to help them hatch out better.  What is the room temperature the eggs are being kept in?
What is the humidity in the incubator?  It should be maintained around 80% or so to keep them from drying out.  
You could take one out to candle it just to check & see what it is looking like.

Let me know how that goes!
