Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > hiding


22 14:44:48

i own a 2.5 foot year old corn snake. in his cage i have a hiding area under the heat light. I dont have one at the cool end. Even on cold days ill go up to the cage and see him beneth the wood shavings. Ill pick him up and he'll be stone cold but active. Would he stop burrowing if i gave him a hidebox at the cool end of the cage to?

Hi Rita, I do think that he will stop burrowing if you provide a second hide. Burrowing in substrate is not really a natural  behaviour for corns but they will do it if no other hide options are available. Snakes are very shy and secretive so a hide that provides darkness works better then those half circles of wood  (tunnel) type hides. I find that a flat or almost flat piece of cork bark works well. Snakes often like "cozy" hides, where it is touching their body while they are in it. Don't be overly alarmed by finding him mostly in the cooler end. My corns only really seek out the heat immediately after feeding when they are actively digesting. You might find he is a bit less shy if you use a red light for heat.