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Beard Dragon Constipation

22 14:44:49

I am a new owner of a Bearded Dragon and am trying my best to make sure i gain as much knowledge as possible in assisting my bearded dragon with a long and healthy life..
When i got him last week he started to vomit his food up..that happened 2 times and hes not pooping :( has been a few days now and nothing...and today he dug a hole buried his nose in the sand and laid in that same spot all day...he ate two days ago, didn't eat yesterday and ate today...also please tell me how many crickets i should shake and coat with vitamins, cant seem to get a answer on that one looking threw the various web pages ...I would appreciate all help i can get

Thank You

You should allow you bearded dragon to eat as many crickets as he can eat in a 10 minute period.

Try soaking him in warm water (fill a kitchen sink or bathtub up to where the water reaches his shoulders).  The warm water should help stimulate his bowels.