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Leopard Gecko behaviour

22 14:36:44

I have a male and female leopard geckos, about 3 years old in a 20 gallon long tank. I have noticed that at night my female will try to climb up the corners of the tank and claw at the glass for minutes at a time; then she is fatigued and will rest and repeat her actions when she has more energy. Is this normal behaviour?

Hello Carla,

Hm, well, I would think that she is most likely gravid.  Do you have an adequate lay area for her?  I would setup a small laybox in the tank for her to lay such as peat moss with a mix of a little bit of sand or perlite or vermiculite.  Make sure the mixture is moist but not sopping wet.  
Give her extra calcium too, if she is eating.  She will need it to support her bones after she lays.  
How long has she been acting like this?
