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Very large lizard in Mesquite, NV

22 13:32:39


Hi Tracie,
This big fella (maybe gal, maybe even pregnant), ran across the steet in front of me on 6/9/2010 and took shelter in a rock wall.  It moved pretty fast, and was about 18 inches long.  Some quick searches on the web for native Nevada species didn't turn up any matches.  What kind of lizard is it, and is it non-native?

Hello Paul,

Wow that is a nice looking lizard.  I was not able to find anything either.
It looks non native to me.  It does resemble a bearded dragon, somewhat but not really.  Maybe a monitor of some sort.
I think someone must have lost their pet.  

Maybe you should try to see if you can get close to it, if you can find it again?
