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Tail is almot all dead - Will the tail drop off?

22 13:28:32


Hoping you can help, i have a bearded dragon with approx 15cm tail, he has had a few fights with our other male, and had some major damamge to the upper side of his tail a few months ago. i got some medicine from our reptile vet which was given orally daily. His tail in a matter of days has gone a dead/grey colour and is stiff. it is definatly dead now, he is eating ok, although(has lost a fair bit of weight)the damage is more than half of the tail now, do you think this will drop off on its own or will i need to get it amputated? i dont understand how it would drop off as there is bone through the upper half of the tail where the 'dead area' begins. thanks i hope you can help.

Hello Lisa,

Are you housing these dragons separately or together?
The most important thing to consider is whether or not there is any infection in the tail that needs to be addressed or not.
Does there appear to be any discoloration traveling up the tail, or has it stopped where the dead portion is?  The bone in the end of the tail is thin so when it loses blood supply, it dries up.
Usually with bites, infection always follows.  
It "should" technically fall off on its' own but there could be infection left & that is the part that can be fatal if left untreated.  
Do you have a picture of that for me?
