Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Maturity


22 14:42:05

Hi i just wanted to know if keeping my immature male and female
leopard geckos in the same tank is okay cause I'm not sure what would happen
now or in the long-run.. and i also wanted to know what i could do to
speed up the growth but in a healthy way. Hope to hear from you soon!

Your question is not clear. Are both immature? If there is little size difference between them then it will be safe, any attitudes notwithstanding. Your getting off to the wrong start asking about speeding things up though. Impatience and trying to be in a rush with reptiles ( so you can breed them I'm sure ) is only going to lead down a bad road for the animals. Just do what you are supposed to do for the animals according to well accepted practices taught by long experiened Leo Gecko keepers...and let the animals do the rest on their own. Don't look for short-cuts in other words because you are in a rush for something to happen. My wife has had her Leo pair for 10 years now, and it's because they are taken care of. I would hate to see an animal that can live this long die much sooner than it's time because you wanted something to happen in the next season or two.....