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bumps on stu

22 11:53:43

Stus bumps
Stus bumps  
Hi Tracie,
I gave Stu a bath today and as I was drying him off I noticed these bumps underneath his legs. He's a 3 year old male. I"m sending you a picture.
Monday I came home from work and noticed he was darker than usual. His tank is 85-100 degrees. Last night and today his color was back to normal. He's lost his appetite and so I thought he was brumating. Now I am not so sure. He drinks water when he gets a bath so, I bathe him every day. I'm concerned.
I don't know what these bumps are. He's had a heating pad under his house since I've had him. That's about 3 months now.

Hello Bon,

Those bumps are very normal.  They are femoral pores that males get.  During breeding season, they will often fill up with a darker, pheremone waxy substance that they use in the wild to attract females & establish territory.  
What do you measure his temperatures with, a digital probe, or a temp gun?
Which UVB light are you using for him & what type of basking light?
How hot does the heating pad get & is there anything in between him & the heating pad?
