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Bearded Dragon Skin Blotch

22 14:24:11

I have a bearded dragon that is about a year old.  He seems healthy and is eating and drinking fine.  However, there is a large white/grey blotch on his back that is covering almost half of it.  It does not look like skin that is going to shed, but perhaps I am wrong.  Almost appears to be a mildew or fungus appearance.  His tank is very clean, temp is 85 deg. and humidity is around 60 percent.  When should I get concerned?

 If you have ruled out a shed, and it seems fuzzy/gooey, then I would have him seen by a good reptile vet to make sure there is nothing internal. He/she will also give you a topical to treat it with. If it's perfectly scaled, then it's probably still shed.