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Bearded Dragon habitat/enclosure

22 13:24:55

I hope you would be the correct expert to ask this, but I currently have a housing problem. I adopted a male breeder Breaded Dragon, fully mature; no problems, but they didn't want him anymore because they had too many. I have him in an aquarium of 4 ft long x 15in wide x 17in tall. We were not too happy with this tank because it is narrow, so we found a MUCH larger one and it's wide. The new tank, clean and in great condition for only $100, is 8ft long x 2.5ft wide x 2ft tall, with a screen top. Our problem, however, is that it can only (for obvious reasons) be outside.

We live in Northridge, and in general, our highs are 100 F (summer) and lows can be 50 F (winter). My main concern is that everywhere I read and research, people (Beardie owners and site owners) -- immediately -- just cast out a glass tank being outside, exposed to the sun for any amount of time. I am hoping for your opinion,if you think this is safe:

I want to place this tank outside on cement blocks and wooden board, with corner "beams" for support. Being 8 feet long, and the glass taking in heat and "amplifying" it as they say, I think only 1 foot is enough for his basking side. I'm thinking sand (which is his current substrate) heats nicely and keeps warm for a few hours after. Also, his beloved branch, since a rock would be too hot from the "amplified" heat. I'm thinking hardy sun plants that we already have, against it's front and side of this 1 foot end to help lessen the exposure --through-- the glass and allow most sun to come in through the top screen.
To protect the rest of the tank, I am making a "housing for it" with sun screen fabric (tested it out already) that can be hooked in place, but I can remove it to clean easily his tank. I was planning on buying clay substrate to make various mounds and caves for him, but the bedding and decorations are still being debated.
Please let me know what you honestly think. I simply want the best for my Beardie. Of course, during winter, I'd very likely keep him inside, or use our outdoor power outlets to keep his tank warm enough all day and night.
Thank you for your time.

Yeah its a big risk keeping him in a glass enclosure outside as the sun can be magnified but the shade cloth thing seems like a good option I would check out our site and download the free ebook as well as check out photos of Sandfire Dragon Ranch in Bonsall where their Beardies are kept in Green Houses! Everything esle you're doing sounds great its just the glass acting as of a magnifier is the only concern I would have.