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Poison frogs

22 14:23:36

It is true that poison frogs can kill just by being touch? Which species is the most dangerous? I have heard its the golden frog, but Im not sure.
Also, are there any animals inmune to frog poison?

Dear Drake,
thank you for your question.
Most poison dart frog species are not deadly or are even harmless for humans and many are not really poisonous, they just have a really foul/bitter taste. The toxins need to get into the bloodflow, so you could touch them, but if you had even a tiny wound on your hands, that would be enough for the toxins to enter your body. It can also enter through mucous membranes, like inside the mouth.

The most poisonous dart frog is Phyllobates terribilis. The Wikipedia article on them is worth reading ,it has more information on the poison and how it works. There are predators that can eat poison dart frogs, even the Golden dart frog, but they would die from eating too many of them, too, so they are not strictly immune.

Poison dart frogs born in captivity are never toxic because they lack the food to get the toxins from. Wildcaught frogs loose their toxins after a while, but it may take a long time.
I hope I was of some help to you