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my baby ball python

22 14:31:59

I have about a 8 month year old ball python that I fed a rather large mouse, it
looked like it had some difficulty with it but it ate it like a champ but the next
morning i picked it up and his neck did something i have never seen before
and was wobbling like it couldnt control his neck also when i have him out
now he is not as active as hes always been.  Am i being paranoid or is there
something really wrong.

Chiara, I wouldn't worry about it.  At 8 months an adult mouse should not be a problem for a ball.  The "wobble" is common, I've seen many snakes do it.  And balls get less active both as they age and as the get used to you holding them.  Do try and make sure you give the snake 2-3 days after feeding to digest before holding it though.