Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Bearded Dragon has been acting weird.

Bearded Dragon has been acting weird.

22 14:47:18

My bearded Dragon hasn't been acting the same. It used to eat it's meal worms and run around and stay unde it's heating light. But now it's only been staying in a the farthest corner away from the light, hasn't been eating, and just sleeps alot. The only wat to wake it up is by picking him up. Do Bearded Dragons sleep alot in the summer, like hibernate?

No,but can you give me the temperatures of you tank? It may very well be too hot. Does he have a water dish? Do you ever bathe or mist them? Does it eat greens willingly? Crickets? Are they dusted? Please get back to me and I will be happy to help you.