Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > possible gravid leopard gecko

possible gravid leopard gecko

22 13:53:41


gravid gecko?
i own 3 leopard geckos that are housed in a 55gallon tank with reptile carpet as a substrate i have 6 hides all around with multiple places for them to hide i have a red light that i keep on 24/7 abd a uth heating pad now my question is referring to one of my females who has been refusing to eat for the last 2 weeks. around december 24th i definatly saw her and my male mate. i offer food to her everyday she looks at it and basically says no.also my temps range from 87-90 on the warm side and 80 on the cool i have a humid hide tupperware box filled 1 inch with vermiculite on the warm side that i spray all the time. i also have a dish of calcium that i saw her eat out of yesterday now please tell me if these are eggs sorry for all the info it just said i cant post a question unless i did

No, you can't ask a question unless you answer the questions. Everyone needs to get out of the mode of apologizing for long messages. You can't be helped with a medical question unless you provide detail. I would ask for proper punctuation though to make it easier to read.  

Yes, she appears gravid, and you should not be holding her by the tail. If it breaks you are making her prone to infection, aborting the eggs, loss of fat reserves and possibly death from infection.

If you haven't dealt with gravid herps before or incubated eggs, I recommend and extensive websearch.