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chubby frog and green anole

22 13:25:10

Hi Diane, we have a green anole from nc and my father-in-law bought us a chubby frog.  We have limited space to have 2 different tanks so I would like to combine them in the same tank.  Can we put them in the same tank safely?
Thank you

Hi Heather,
Its never recommended to house different species together for many issues, diet, disease,and stress.  The frog MAY try to use the anole as a meal also, even though they aren't very big themselves, they have big appetites. Anoles require a higher basking temperature than the frogs, which can harm the frogs.  Anoles are active during the daylight hours, needing uvb, the frogs are active during the night, which will disrupt both species "schedules".
A decent site for their care can be found at:
Hope this helps you out!!