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22 14:38:37

hello, i have a leopard frog about 2.5 inches ,and i would like 2 get a different
specis of frog maybe a tree frog can they live together in the same tank
peacefully? if not what kind of frog can my leopard frog live with?

Dear Joshua,
thank you for your question.
I don't recommend co-housing different species. Requirements in temperature, food, humidity ect. usually differ and the animals are stressed because they cannot avoid each other. They may also prey on eath other, frogs will try to eat very big prey. In really roomy enclosures (starting with a length of, say, 6ft) it's possible to create different habitats with different humidity/temperature and zones where only one species lives, so that the animals don't meet all the time. That's just not possible in the standard tanks/enclosures.
I would recommend keeping every species in it's own enclosure.
I hope I was of some help to you