Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Baby hypo Kingsnake wont eat

Baby hypo Kingsnake wont eat

22 14:23:25

This is my snake when I got him
This is my snake when  
QUESTION: I understand that snakes can go a while without eating, however, I would really feel comfortable if my snake would eat.
I got my snake 2 months ago. He hasnt eaten or attempted to eat yet. He is a baby hypo florida kingsnake. He is just over a foot long and a little wider than a pencil. He is About 4-5 months old. The man at the aquarium told me that he had been eating pinkies. The skin on his tail is starting to fold, I assume because hes skinny.
I supply my snake live pinkies once a week, maybe even twice. I am getting the smallest ones possible. I have also tried to feed him guppies.
- He is very active, spends most of his day trying to escape
- He drinks lots of water (I give him fresh water everyday)
- I have a heat lamp on one side of the tank and he self regulates his temperature
- Humidity is where it should be
-I have tried to feed him mice with tongs
-He is not shedding, his eyes arent milky
- He is not hybernating
-I cover his tank at night, and sometimes when I attempt to feed him.
-He appears to be afraid of the mice, and intersted in the guppies.

Do you have any other suggestions of what i can do?

The man at the aquarium told me that he may not know how to eat if he was taken young.

ANSWER: Erica, that snake is not a newborn it knows how to eat...  That being said, why won't it...  Try a bigger mouse like a fuzzy or try taking the pinkie and "braining" it.  Basically you take a razor blade and split open the head (really gross I know).  You could also try lizards (anoles) but I would use that as a last resort.  That snake is captive bred so it was not "taken."  Did you buy it at the aquarium?  If not, call the person you bought it from and find out what they were feeding it.  Keep me posted, that is a very nice looking snake!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Thank you for your answer,
Last night i bought a live tiny tiny pinkie, it couldnt even move, with the intentions of splitting the brain so he would eat today if he did not eat it last night. Well last night he did eat it while I was sleeping, and this morning he was dead. I am very upset and I just want to know if you can think of any reasons why my baby snake would have died? My roommate, who is a nurse, says in humans if they dont eat for a long time,and people start by eating protein they can also die. Do you have any idea why my snake died?

Erica, I have no way of knowing what killed your snake.  I will say this; if the snake never ate in your care, you were most likely sold a sick animal...  Unfortunately it is now too late to do anything about it.  ANYTIME anyone buys a reptile (at full retail pricing) they should have a guarantee of it feeding.  But, the buyer should notify the seller within a week if there are any problems.  

I hope this experience doesn't spoil you for life.  Please try again, and better luck next time!  BPC