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How to get baby beardie to eat salad

22 13:59:52

Hello Tracie:

Bought a baby beardie from a pet store about 3 weeks ago.  He has a healthy appetite and eats crickets (dusted with calcium of course) w no problems.  I have been offering him a collard green salad every day, but he has no interest in it.  I have tried hand feeding him and dropping small pieces from above to give "movement" to the greens, but to no avail.  He did lick a leaf once but that was it.  I know that babies usually don't eat too many greens but I want to make sure that he starts eating them when he should be.  Can you provide hints/info on 1) getting a baby beardie to start eating greens, and 2) how the ratio in greens to crickets should change as they age (I've seen that adults should be 80% greens, but have found no info at the rate that a beardie should be going from 0% greens to 80%).  Thanks tons!

Hello Lauren,

Baby dragons may eat some greens but usually do not eat a whole lot of them at first.  Just keep trying.  You can get some phoenix worms to mix in with the greens or some bright colored bell peppers or fruit to entice her to eat some.  
The ratio of protein to greens when they are babies should be roughly 80% to 20% greens or so.  As they become juveniles to adults, they will gradually shift over to 20% protein to 80% greens. Of course, these percentages are not absolutely set in stone, but pretty close.  The basic idea is that they simply do not need that high of protein when they are adults since they are not growing anymore.  

I hope that helps out.  If you have any other questions, let me know.
