Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > stressed green anole lizard

stressed green anole lizard

22 14:49:01

QUESTION: hi, i have two green anoles that i keep together in a 20 gallon tank. one is male
one female. the male is very healthy, always green and fat. the female however
is very very skinny and her tailbone protrudes, most the time she is green and
for the last week she has been lying on the ground not on a branch. what could
be wrong?
ANSWER:   The male is keeping her from basking and eating.  You must separate them into two equal tanks.  Do it soon, since she is down on the ground she needs the chanages made as soon as possible.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: for how long should i separate them for?  i've had them for two or three months
and she only started getting sick about a week ago what happened? can i ever
put them back together?

 Once she is back to looking green and well nourished, take her to a good reptile veterinarian.  Make doubly sure she is, in fact, a she.  You could have two males, and they should always stay apart.
 If she's a true female, then you may have to think that there is some problem that he won't let her may happen again, and the poor girl is trapped in a place where she can't get away from him.  Get her healthy first, then have her properly sexed, then either try them again and watch them carefully, or allow them to lead separate but safe lives.